Learn HTML - Use LUNLUN44 For A Smooth Start $149 for FREE
Learn HTML - Use LUNLUN44 For A Smooth Start $149 for FREE Course Description Mr. T. is a very good friend of mine. One day, Mr. T. decided he wanted to learn HTML. So, he started to search for online HTML tutorials. Most ones he could find contained HTML code. 'Where do I type that code? What do I do with it?" was his first question. Upon further investigation, he learned that he needs to get a text editor, where to paste that code. Feeling happy for this discovery, he installed a text editor, and pasted there the HTML code. 'How do I run this code?" was his second question. He learned that there was no "RUN" button in the text editor he chosen initially. He found a way to save the HTML program as a separate file, and load it into an web browser. 'Why do the text editor has so many options?' was his third question. He realized that the text editors were meant for people wanting to learn ALL about HTML. He wanted some text...