Learn from an expert!
As a life-long freelance author, I've worked on some of the most amazing projects you can imagine. My clients have included top notch achievers in such diverse industries as aerospace, medicine, housing, finance, military, education, publishing, collecting, history, and many, many more.
As a writer, I've interviewed deep sky astrophotographers, CEOs, renewable energy experts, artists, and highly successful consultants – and I hold back nothing in my Udemy courses.
Why should you listen to me?
Published Books
I've written 29 books on topics ranging from astronomy to history, technology, photography and writing. Google my name over on Amazon and you'll see the wide variety of my published books. I'm currently writing a travel series to document in words and photos the trips I've made to some of the most historic and remote backroads of America.
Magazines & Web Content
I've written hundreds of magazine and web articles, including History Magazine, techEdge, ID, Writer's Digest, The Writer, San Diego Parent, Today's Collector, Discovery.com, Personal Journaling, and Laptop. My photographs have appeared in the pages of I.D., Astronomy, History, Family Tree Magazine, Personal Journaling, Sky & Telescope, and many more.
You'll learn . . .
- what freelance jobs fit your needs, time, and personality
- where to find quick paying writing jobs
- how to quickly write & publish a Kindle book
- how to promote your freelance career
- types of freelance jobs available
- how to price your digital book
- how sidehustle writing can lead to a fulltime business
- the best gigs for quick extra money
- how to pick the best niche to ensure a hungry audience
- how to write a great book description
- how to outsource writing jobs or become an outsource provider
- the best podcasts for freelance writers
What students are saying . . .
"Nancy shares a wealth of information in this course on how to begin earning money on the side with your writing skills, whether through Kindle publishing or freelancing." Nick Loper of Sidehustle Nation.
"Nancy's information was complete and accurate. Her lectures on writing book descriptions, with her advanced use of Google and Amazon auto-fills was a great idea, well worth the cost of this course alone. The same is true of her hectare on the use of Amazon Author Central." Ron Leach
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