Master 3D Animation in Adobe After Effects CC 2015 $49 for FREE

Master 3D Animation in Adobe After Effects CC 2015 $49 for FREE

Course Description

Learn the concepts, tools, methods and properties that you need to create stunning 3D animations within Adobe After Effects.
3D is essential to creating animations. Many avoid 3D all together thinking it is difficult and hard to work with.
The Truth: it is Not.
3D elements are excellently introduced in this organized and unique course and are easy to learn and practice.
Learn the important methods and properties in After Effects 3D:
  • Master Cameras: Styles, Presets, Modes, Parameters
  • Work with Lights and understand their effects
  • Optimize Orthographic Views
  • Create Shadows using the elements that make shadows appear
  • Learn Multi-planning within the 3D space – an essential concept to using 3D

A unique approach to learning 3D:
This course is unique in its approach to 3D. You will learn each element separately and in-depth. You will master every element before moving to the next. Separating the learning experience for each element will allow you to focus on the details that make or break your 3D experience.
You will also fully understand how to work with the views. Mastering and optimizing the orthographic views will make a genuine pro. It is then that you will start ‘seeing’ 3D as easy and simple.
Content and overview
You will start by noting the similarities and differences between 3D and 2D and discovering orientation and rotation and how to use them.
You will learn about multi-planning how to fake it in 2D and how to use it in 3D. This very important step will cement your understanding of 3D in After Effects and will allow you to start manipulating your views in readiness to adding Cameras and Lights.
Moving on to cameras: An in-depth overview of Cameras in After Effects. The different type of Cameras and how they affect your scenes and animations. Mastering Cameras and all its parameters, options, setting dialogue will finalize the conceptual (and practical) learning for 3D.
One of the most impressive features in After Effects is the ability to create lights, mixing 2D and 3D and getting amazing effects. You will get a detailed explanation and practical overview of the Lights system in After effects and how to use them with Text Animations or lighting up still scenes.
Much more is covered in this course – Such as shadows, depth of field, falloffs and much more.
Are you ready to take Your After Effects Skills to the Next Level – The 3D Level?
Join in and Welcome

What are the requirements?

  • A working Copy of After Effects - Preferably After Effects CC 2015. A 30 Day Trial will do
  • Though this an All Level Course knowing the basics of After Effects will be an added advantage

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 25 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • Understand the difference between 3D and 2D transformation
  • Work with 3D Rotation and Orientation
  • Work with 3D key-framing
  • Understand the concept of multi-planning
  • Simulate 2D multi-planning
  • Master 3D orthographic views
  • Use Custom views and set up keyboard shortcuts
  • Move objects and layers in 3D space
  • Create animations using the concept of multi-planning
  • Understand the camera presets, their effects on 3D animation and how to use them
  • Master the use of the Camera tools in orthographic views and Active Camera
  • Optimize your views and use 4 views like a pro
  • Create, Change and adjust Camera’s 3D motion path
  • Create an Orbit Null and master its use
  • Create lights and understand the different type of lights and their effect on scenes
  • Master Point Lights and all its parameters
  • Master Spot lights and all its parameters
  • Create animation using lights
  • Use Lights modes to change scenes and animations
  • Master lights falloff with their different modes
  • Create Shadows – The ingredients of Shadows and how to make appear
  • Master sizing, shaping and positioning shadows
  • Create a ground shadow – the most wanted feature
  • Create a 3D cube, rotate and animate it. A first master class on the net
  • Create 3D animations through lectures, challenges and practice

What is the target audience?

  • After Effects users if intermediate or beginners in 3D, who want to learn 3D in After Effects in a Simple and Concise way
  • After Effects Beginners in 3D, who want to learn 3D in After Effects in a Simple and Concise way
  • After Effects Beginners who want to learn 3D in After Effects and Master 3D Animation
  • When you want to master 3D Kinetic Typography or 3D Text Animations
  • Video Editors - Personal or Commercial
  • Videographer


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