Marketing: How I Skyrocket Sales by 633% in 12 hours of Work $597 for free

Marketing: How I Skyrocket Sales by 633% in 12 hours of Work $597 for free

The exact little-known Marketing & Copywriting Tactics I use to massively increase my clients sales and conversion rates

Did you ever try to sell online without really knowing how to do it, and as a result, made no money at all or just a ridiculous amount of it?
Are you currently trying to bring your big idea to the market but are afraid of failing because you don't consider yourself a good salesman?
Is your company going under because of a lack of sales? Or, less dramatical, do you just want to get more customers?
Maybe you got no company, but still : do you want to create extra income streams by selling products, physical or digital, online, on Amazon, eBay or even Udemy?
If you've answered « YES !» to one of these questions, then this course will wipe you of your feet.
My name is Robin Hanna and I'm a Marketing Strategist.
It's a way of saying that I specialized in searching businesses and start-ups I love and help them by skyrocketing their sales and lead-generation rates, which in turn makes them grow virally.
But sadly, their is one BIG problem : many people create awesome projects, have revolutionnary ideas, world-changing dreams…
but struggle intensively when it comes to bringing them to the market…. and selling them.
If you're one of those people,
if you just want to create an extra income by selling products or services online,
Or if you want to do the same job I do…
this course was created for you.
I spent 250+ hours creating it with a precise goal in mind : I want to take care of ALL those people who want to sell online. I want to take you from amateur salesman to highly sought-after marketing strategist.
It might sound ambitious, but believe me, it's more than doable : you'll get access to all my precise tactics and blueprints in this course, and even real work I've done for clients that resulted in massive increase in revenue (We're talking minimum 5 figures a month).
Plus, you'll get direct access to me if you have any question whatsoever. You will ALWAYS have direct access to a business consultant if you buy this course. I'm here for you. I think you know how insanely valuable THIS is.
Don't take my word for it : here is what some of my clients think of me and my work.
"Robin is hungry for growth and expansion. He has the knowledge and the capacity to implement researched strategies to increase anybody's sales in a matter of days and he proved it multiple times when working with us"
David Braun, Sales Director at DASHRapp
«I couldn't be happier with the results achieved thanks to Robin and his dedication. Any company who is lucky enough to work with him will see rapid, substantial growth"
Maxime Van Rothem, Founder of Jacques&Déméter
«Robin seems to always have an awesome strategy or technique for any problem related to marketing and sales. Even if it's complicated, he'll put it into actionable, comprehensive steps"
Charles, Marketing Director at MyVitiAcademy (LeFigaro founded Startup)
Invest in this course : if you don't LOVE it, ask for a refund in the next 30 days, no questions asked, no hard feelings.
I'm pointing this out because I KNOW that you need to learn what is in this course, and I don't want you to be afraid.
What's the worst that could happen? Exactly, nothing at all.
Do yourself a favor and enroll NOW, I'll be waiting on the other side!
P.S : Here is what Daniel DiPiazza from Rich20something, Business-owner and columnist at Business Insider, says about this course :
"The knowledge Robin delivers in this course can easily make you 6 figures if you commit to learning and applying it".
What are you still waiting for? ;)

What are the requirements?

  • You don't need ANYTHING except a desire to improve your sales to take this course. I'm going to take you from total beginner to topnotch salesman who can sell anything with ease.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 56 lectures and 5.5 hours of content!
  • Apply psychological principles and influence techniques to make people GLAD to buy from you
  • Repair and improve ANY website that is leaking money (hint : 99,9% are) and transform them into cash-printing machines
  • help businesses improve their marketing strategy and get paid for it (in form of relationships, cash, job offers, gifts etc.)
  • Write mind-blowing sales copy that will make people DROOL over your products (I'll teach you in great details how to write direct-response copy, the ultimate form of print salesmanship)
  • Shoot amazingly lucrative sales videos to increase your conversion to level you've never dared to dream of (I'll show you how an entrepreneur increased his sales by 13 000% using the techniques I'll teach you, no typo)
  • organize and write an email-marketing campaign like no one else knows how to : this is the stuff than can make you at least 4 figures each time you send out an email.
  • Build a massive email list for your business from scratch in FAR less time than everybody else
  • Warm up clients and transform them into raving Fans thanks to an elaborate strategy used by Apple
  • And much, much more...

What is the target audience?

  • This course is for all people who want to learn how to sell effectively, online or offline, which is the most valuable skill ANYBODY could acquire.
  • It's also for all those who want to learn how businesses can get amazing amounts of leads and transform them into loyal clients.
  • This is NOT a "Get Rich Quick" scheme : everything in life worth having comes at a price. Once you accept this, you can make real progress. Still, training can be more or less effective, and I'm gonna show you the most effective way to become AMAZING at Sales. I'm going to reveal shortcuts and techniques which will get you to the top if you're ready to commit to learning them.


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