Master Basics of Mandarin Chinese in 7 days

Master Basics of Mandarin Chinese in 7 days

Learn Mandarin Chinese in fun and interactive ways with Ned!

This is the right course for you are just starting to learn Mandarin because... you will master the Mandarin basics in 7 days!
Over 1b+ people speak Mandarin, in and out of China, compared to 500m+ of English. May your purpose for learning Mandarin is for business, for travel or a personal goal, this beautiful language is an asset.
  1. Pin Yin (a.k.a spelled out sounds)
  2. 4 Tones (this is super fun!)
  3. Everyday phrases (Xiè xie = Thank you)
  4. Numbers, people and food (yumm!)
  5. Descriptive words
Is this the right course for me?
KISS - Keep IShort and Simple. This is exactly what I have in this course. If you're not happy, i'm ready to hear what I can do to make it an awesome learning experience for you :)
Where do you go next after this course?
I am working on the next course (Intermediate level) where we will start building phrases and help you to understand some Chinese characters, recognize and respond to conversations in Mandarin.

What are the requirements?

  • No pre-knowledge required!
  • Complete handouts and exercises after each lesson to help you on the next one
  • If you are new to Mandarin, watch the videos as many times as you need to gain mastery
  • Recommendation: Watch the videos for 7 days, everyday, to master the basics of Mandarin Chinese

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 21 lectures and 40 mins of content!
  • You will be able to speak and understand basic Mandarin words and phrases
  • You will say the Chinese words with proper tones by reading the accents
  • Your personal access to me for any questions or help. I respond within hours!
  • Learn and understand basic and everyday phrases
  • Learn numbers, people, days and months
  • Learn food and drinks
  • Learn descriptive words

What is the target audience?

  • This is for you if you are looking to start or improve your foundation on Mandarin-Chinese.
  • For anyone who wants to learn basic Mandarin words and phrases as their way to learn more advanced lessons.
  • For anyone who needs training in proper Mandarin tones and accents.
  • Not for someone who knows tones, accents and everyday Mandarin conversational phrases.


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