In this course, you'll learn how to build a world class mentorship program at your university.
Mentorship is the next big thing. Meaning it's a new opportunity for you to build a program at your school from scratch that can very quickly grow to serve hundreds of students.
If you're looking for an opportunity to take a leadership role at your school and build an important new program at the same time, this course is for you.
The idea of mentorship goes back thousands of years, but it's been largely forgotten until recently.
And by recently, we mean the last 10-15 years.
President Obama has been a champion of Mentorship...his first PSA after he was elected had a tagline that read "Be the Change. Mentor a Child."
It all started at Havard in the late 1980s. A man named Jay Winston, a professor at the Harvard University School of Public Health, wanted to do something about drunk driving.
His theory was, if he could create a new social role, called "The Designated Driver," it would encourage people to not drink and save thousand of lives each year.
It worked. It was one of the most successful public heath campaigns of all time. Each year, over 6,000 lives are saved because of his work.
Winston's next idea guessed it...mentoring.
He saw the power of what he could do with the National Designated Driver campaign, and he wanted to do the same thing to invent...or reintroduce...the "new" social role of "Mentor."
In 2002, Winston teamed up with the White House (again) to create National Mentoring Month every January.
Every year, President Obama announces new mentoring programs, and First Lady Obama has gotten involved as well.
Mentoring is especially important for under-served and under-represented groups, and many of the President's programs have been targeted at these groups.
Mentorship is a powerful tool that you can bring to your university to help the lives of the students who need help the most. In two short years we grew our program from nothing to over 270 students, over a quarter of our entire engineering school.
If you're ready to get started creating a mentorship program for your university, we look forward to seeing you in the course and we'll be available to answer any questions you have and help you get your program up and running each step of the way.
-Michael and John Kenny
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