The Alkaline Diet Lifestyle in 7 Simple Steps $99

The Alkaline Diet Lifestyle in 7 Simple Steps $99

Revolutionize Your Health, Gain Unstoppable Energy, Transform Your Body, Lose Weight and Feel Amazing!

Discover a new, healthier, slimmer and more energized version of yourself...
Are you ready to look and feel amazing, like you have always wanted?
You see, the alkaline diet is not only about weight loss and dieting. It's not about going hungry, or surviving on greens alone. It's about changing your relationship with food. It's about learning how to revitalize your body and mind with nutritious alkaline, balanced meals that support your wellness and weight loss goals.
The alkaline diet is not just a diet. Alkalinity is a lifestyle that will help you transform your body and mind so you can embrace health and wellbeing. Aside from what you eat, it's also about what you think and how you live. Ready for big changes...?
  • Are you sick and tired of fad diets?
  • Can't stand calorie counting?
  • Confused, when it comes to endless conflicting alkaline-acid charts and theories on the internet?
  • Want to learn a few simple alkaline rules you can start implementing right now and discover how great it feels to be healthy?
  • Do you wish for more energy levels? Can't crawl out of bed without your morning coffee? Or maybe, you are a caffeine addict and want to learn to get your energy naturally?
  • Want to finally shed off excess pounds, burn fat and look and feel amazing?
  • Do you struggle with allergies, inflammation and are prone to diseases and headaches?

It's time to dump acidity for alkalinity...
The solution is simple - you need to rebalance and alkalize yourself with natural, alkaline foods. I am just about to show you how to do it in an easy, doable, stress-free, uncomplicated jargon-free way. You will learn how to create delicious alkaline meals, without going hungry. The alkaline diet is not about going hungry... it's about discovering the alkaline pleasure of fuelling your body and mind the way they deserve.

Start transforming your body and mind today. Choose the alkaline approach!
Kick-Start Your Weight Loss and Wellness Success and Keep Your Belly Happy!
I will show you exactly how to eat your way to massive weight loss, sexy body and a focused mind, while having fun during the process of your total body and mind transformation!
Let the alkaline journey begin!
Enroll now at no risk - your satisfaction is backed by Udemy's 30-day guarantee

What are the requirements?

  • Students need to be interested in improving their health and taking control of what they eat and how they live

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 42 lectures and 3 hours of content!
  • Design a healthy and easy to follow diet inspired by the alkaline diet- everyone is different and so are their preferences
  • Learn natural relaxation techniques and prevent emotional eating
  • Know exactly which foods are alkaline/super alkaline/ acidic/neutral/slightly acidic
  • Get up every day feeling full of energy, passion and zest for life
  • Learn why so many diets don't work and the common mistakes that people make when dieting
  • Achieve physical, mental and emotional wellness with alkaline cooking
  • Create a healthy and balanced lifestyle to transform your body or lose weight and gain more energy (naturally!)
  • Know how to revolutionize your health (and life) with alkaline superfoods
  • Create amazingly delicious, quick-prep alkaline meals that will keep your belly satisfied while providing alkaline balance and energy
  • Combine the alkaline diet with other nutritional lifestyles you may have chosen for yourself and your family (for example: Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-free)
  • Back up your healthy alkaline diet with a stress-free, holistic lifestyle
  • Discover the connection between the body- mind-and spirit and change your relationship with food
  • Change your mindset, and replace the word "diet" with the word "lifestyle"
  • Learn different varieties of the alkaline diet and choose what works for you (and what you love eating)
  • Learn how to successfully set goals and achieve them creating vibrant health, happiness and abundance


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