Twitter Marketing Wizardry: Get 1,000 Targeted Followers Now $97

Twitter Marketing Wizardry: Get 1,000 Targeted Followers Now $97

A Comprehensive Guide to Generate 250 Highly Targeted Followers Every Week, Network, Increase Traffic and Generate Leads

Top-Selling Social Media Udemy Instructor - Over 2,000 students & 60+ Five Star Reviews!
Named Among Top Instructors by Udemy
1,000 Targeted Twitter Followers Guarantee: Commit to following the step-by-step course & I personally GUARANTEE you will reach 1,000 TARGETED Twitter Followers within the next 30 Days with my "Twitter Jumprope Blueprint", otherwise I will personally train you.
I have consistently applied the Jumprope Blueprint and have generated over 1,000 targeted followers in just 30 days! In fact, proof of that is included as a FREE lecture at the beginning of the course. What's more, I didn't spend more than 23 minutes every day doing this. Can you do it in 30 days as well?
From 0 to 1,000 followers in about 30 days. Real results achieved following the blueprints outlined in this course.
Wondering what are the potential benefits of Twitter? Well, real-life examples show that you can …
  • Build a 2,000 subscribers email list through traffic generated on Twitter in just a few months
  • Earn $100 per tweet as an Influencer from tweeting sponsored messages to your large following
  • Rack up $7937.85 in Revenues and a 198% ROI through the clever use of Twitter Ad Campaigns
Many people expect that a Twitter Marketing course will give them an easy & automatic way to exponentially grow their follower base with minimum effort - say 10 minutes a week. If that description fits you, then this course might NOT be suitable for you.
Only continue to read & take this course if you aren't looking for fake shortcuts such as buying 1,000s of worthless Twitter followers off of Fiverr, using robots or posting dozens of irrelevant day tweets resulting in absolutely zero engagement from your followers. We will only focus on REAL results that take you to the next level.
In this course you will learn:
The Twitter Jump Rope Blueprint: How to 250+ real, targeted followers every week and engage with them on a daily basis
Twitter Performance Tracking Template: Keep track of these key indicators to evaluate your engagement levels and take action to progress further
The Corporate Twitter Blueprint: Network with Influencers in your field, communicate with anyone, establish valuable leads and...
Twitter for 6-Figure Entrepreneurs: Exploit Twitter's "hidden" features such as packing events with 100s of people, driving Twitter traffic to local businesses, setting up profitable Twitter Ad campaigns, automating your company's Customer Service with an edge and many many other future BONUS lectures.
Have a look right now at the Course Trailer and Preview lectures. The course is full with:
- Engaging videos with a production quality that is top notch for Udemy standards
- The step-by-step Twitter Jumprope Blueprint to facilitate your progress on the platform
- A variety of PDFs and Screenshares to further your learning process and help you achieve the outcomes you desire
I will be consistently introducing BONUS videos to add to the existing content. Some of the topics I will cover in the near future include:
  • Networking in 140 Characters
  • How to Retarget potential leads with Twitter
  • Outsource your Twitter Jumprope routine
The 1,000 Targeted Twitter Followers Guarantee
I am extremely confident that if you follow my guidelines you will achieve this mark in less than 30 days! What's more, I'll guarantee it. If it doesn't happen, I will personally commit to training you to achieve your objectives which can include:
  • 1 to 1 Skype conversations to see your objectives and determine your overall strategy
  • I will teach you how to find quality content specific to your niche and show you how to tweet it with the least amount of effort
  • I will identify the people you should be targeting on Twitter and generate a significant increase in the following of your account by minimum 200 new followers/week
Are you ready to jumpstart your Twitter evolution? Can you commit to consistently take action?
If yes, then TAKE this course NOW and get ready to achieve significant and measurable results in no time!

What are the requirements?

  • Know that I have high expectations. Only take this course if you are ready for the challenge.
  • A Twitter account
  • Nice to have: A smartphone

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 51 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
  • Get 1,000 Targeted Followers in 30 days
  • Manage everything Twitter related - from tweeting great content to generating a large targeted following
  • Perfect a daily routine to achieve the above with less than 23 mins work per day
  • Use Twitter for Business to generate sales, leads, network or provide great Customer Service

What is the target audience?

  • The course starts with the basics and goes into advanced techniques to use Twitter. The only thing I ask is commitment to take action and follow the Blueprint that is laid out
  • NOT suited for anybody who wants an easy way into Twitter followers i.e. buying followers, using robots to automate Twitter, tweeting a lot of irrelevant & un-engaging content


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