Vocabulary Learning: Smarter Kids in a Year - Tests

Vocabulary Learning: Smarter Kids in a Year - Tests

The challenge: Does your child's vocabulary need fixing? Do it yourself the easy way

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  • Worksheets with answers that you can print
  • Free samples of upcoming products
  • Free apps (where to find our free apps)
  • Free eBooks (notice of our free book days)
  • Free courses (notice of our free courses)

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Course price will increase with every major upgrade
What about spelling?
Perhaps he (or she) knows how to pronounce the word... but can he spell it?
Should it end in -tion or -sion? -ance or -ence? Is it an -ei word or an -ie word?
Should that be course or coarse? Berry or bury? Canon or cannon?
Our courses teach the spelling of every vocabulary word presented.
How do you know what your child doesn't know?
That's the purpose of this course. It is designed for you to test your child's knowledge.
Over time you will find here quizzes on all the areas that the average 9-12 year old needs to know to succeed at school.
It will also help you to decide which of our courses you should get for your child.
Our curriculum is governed by the work being done by a 10 year old in preparation for the 11+ exam, also known as the secondary school entrance exam. It is therefore a solid foundation for any child of that age.
How does your child compare with others his age?
Find out now
Click the "Take This Course" button and get started. There is no risk to you, there is a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee for your $5
The course quiz engine will compare the score to that of other quiz takers
No cheating now!!!
Take the challenge
If you can spare the 5 dollars, join us. (The free apps alone are worth much more than $5)
Commit to working with your son or daughter over the next year...
Your present actions determine your child's future
Dova Team
P.S. Check in often, we'll be adding new quizzes and courses frequently to improve your child's grades at school.
P.P.S. If your ward can't correctly answer all the questions on a quiz, be sure to get the corresponding Smarter Kids in a Year course here on Udemy.

What are the requirements?

  • No specific knowledge is required to take this course

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 22 lectures and 53 mins of content!
  • Parents can check their child's knowledge of the topics covered in this course

What is the target audience?

  • Any parent who wants to identify areas of weakness in his child's vocabulary should take this course
  • The aim is to help your child correct any difficulties he or she might have, with patience and parental love
