Ace the ACT (American College Testing) English Test

Ace the ACT (American College TestingEnglish Test

Learn how to get a killer score on the ACT English section.

This course will cover the most important things you need to know to get a high score on the ACT English test. It goes through the types of questions that will be on the test and how to respond to them. You will learn from someone who scored a 35 on the English section how to score high by knowing all the tricks and rules behind the questions.
You will receive a combination of test questions and explanations, so that you can apply what you've learned from this course and feel very confident about taking the test. The ACT test primarily asks three types of questions: Conciseness, Consistency, and Correctness. Here you will learn in a very simple way all about what these questions are looking for and the important things to know to answer them with ease.
This course is suitable for anyone looking to improve their score on an upcoming ACT English test. This course gives you rundown on the important things that you need to know, and if you want to take more sample tests from another source to get more comfortable that is always a smart thing to do. If you have any questions I will be glad to help you. Good luck!

What are the requirements?

  • Students don't need anything except for a desire to do well on the ACT English test.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 37 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
  • Understand the types of questions that will be on the ACT English test and answer them correctly.
  • Be confident about their ability to do well on the test.
  • Do extremely well on test day.


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