Goal setting Intensive

Goal setting Intensive

The Dummies' guide to master Smart Goals. Personal Development Inspiration for greater Motivation & Success in life! 

The course is structured in a way that is short yet hard-hitting, simple yet engaging with relevant animations.
The whole course is designed in an easy mobile-phone readable style. You can see bolder texts in every frame and are easy on your eyes.
In every lecture, you get PDF ebook with the lecture's content (which is again in an easy mobile-phone readable format).
From now on, never let any goal go unachieved - goals that are close to your heart.
  • Do that Masters degree in your dream University!
  • Ace that tough job interview!
  • Buy your dream house!
  • Earn $1 million!
  • Learn & master Chinese!
  • Marry the love of your life!
  • Move up in your career!
  • Become a Master Chef!
To achieve anything under the sun, I will show you all the practical and easy-to-do techniques to get you home.

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