How to Make Pastry Dough for Beginners $195

How to Make Pastry Dough for Beginners $195

Learn the easy way to make pastry dough in no time at all. Discover how pastry and pies can help save time and $$
Learn and Master How to Make Pastry Step-by-Step with an Experienced Pastry Chef and Baker.
  • Baking is very creative
  • Receive Experienced Advice on the right baking equipment
  • Use Ready to print Shopping lists for ingredients, recipes
  • Save time & $ by adding pastry and pies to menu planning
  • Learn the right way to Mix Pastry Dough
  • Discover the secret tips to Rolling the Pastry – turns out right every time
An Easy and Fun Course to Learn Everything You need to Make Pastry and Baking Yummy Pies
In addition to learning how to make pastry, we'll learn about shortcrust pastry, a little history, and the most popular uses today. You will make pastry dough and bake an apple pie right along with me in the course. We will talk about menu planning, and how making savoury and sweet pies, can quickly fill your freezer with healthy delicious meals – saving you both time and money.
I will teach you helpful tips to get it right the first time – mixing the dough, rolling your pastry, and pulling an aromatic, scrumptious pie out of your oven – not a soggy, gooey mess! After years of experience that includes baking hundreds of pies, I have applied continuous improvement principles and refined the process. You will learn how a little organization can save lots of time!
What this course includes
I designed this course for beginning cooks, however everyone who is curious about baking – or just wants a new experience will have fun. With 15 lectures, and in less than 40 minutes, this course will take you from learning what equipment and ingredients you need to a finished baked pie.
I have provided you with templates for shopping, what basic baking equipment to get, and ingredients to stock your pantry with. You will learn how to make pastry two different ways. All of the recipes we cover in the lectures are included in the resources sections – for you to print out, including BONUS recipes for you to try.
You will be mixing pastry dough, learning helpful tips and tricks and making your pie right alongside me, in my kitchen!


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