Ninja Chord Changes - Master your guitar chord changes

Ninja Chord Changes - Master your guitar chord changes

Get faster, fluent and more accurate guitar chord changes allowing you enjoy guitar, play in a band and impress others

Course Description

Do you struggle to make simple chords changes?
  • Does it frustrate you trying to change from C to G?
  • Do you watch other guitarists in awe and think why can`t I do that?
  • Do you often think `Why can`t I still change chord?`
We have all been there. Trying to get good at changing between chords can feel like banging your head against a brick wall and is the primary reason most guitarists give up the guitar and let it gather dust in the attic along with their guitar playing dreams.
The truth according to research is that over 92% of guitarists give up the guitar within the first 6 months of playing, and a large number of those cite "slow chord changes" or "stopping between chords" as the main reason for giving up. 
That equals a lot of money, time, effort and guitar playing dreams gathering dust in the attic. You don`t have to be one of those people...
The course has had over 110 students in the first day. is for anyone including ALL beginner electric and acoustic guitarists - I define a beginner guitarist as someone who has played for less than 1 year - who struggle with chords changes no matter how long you have been playing.
Learn through our videos, eBooks and audio supplementary guides the powerful steps to help you master the `dark arts` of changing chords.
In less than 30 days if you follow the course and apply the knowledge on a regular basis you will notice effective, powerful improvements. Your chord changes and fingers will feel faster and you will be more relaxed allowing you to truly feel free with the guitar for the first time.
You will finally be able to play songs without those annoying little stops between chord changes.
Impress your friends with your fluency and new found guitar skills.


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