How To Use A Pendulum To Know Answers From Your Mind

How To Use A Pendulum To Know Answers From Your Mind

How To Use A Pendulum To Know Answers From Your Subconscious Mind For Healing , Solving conflicts And Solving Problems

It has been designed for over 30 mins and contains a variety of techniques on how to use and program a pendulum for your mind.
This course contains-
Lecture 1) Introduction to the course
Lecture 2) Ideomotor Signalling Technique
Lecture 3) How To Hold And Use A Pendulum
Lecture 4) How To Program Your Pendulum
Lecture 5) How To Use A Pendulum To Control Your Mind
Lecture 6) How To Use A Pendulum For Personal Healing
Lecture 7) Summary Of The Course

What are the requirements?

  • PC with high speed internet
  • Headphones
  • Quiet Room
  • Focus And Concentration
  • Notebook And Pen

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 7 lectures and 33 mins of content!
  • By the end of the course students will be able to use a pendulum very effectively and use it to communicate with their subconscious mind , solve conflicts and heal themselves
  • By the end of the course , students will also be able to take decisions more effectively using the pendulum and getting the right answers from your subconscious mind


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