Software project management for start-ups

Software project management for start-ups

Software project management for start-ups. Learn to manage engineers and software engineering projects

This course will teach you software project management fundamentals, and explain how to use those fundamentals, in different business situations.
Who This Course Is For
  • Engineers who need to manage their projects better
  • Non-technical start-up founders who need to manage their technical co-founders or freelance developers whom they hire
Not Sure If This Course Is Right For You?
It is difficult to tell whether a course is right for you before you buy it. Luckily, every Udemy course with a 30-day no questions asked, money back guarantee. So give the course a try now, and see for yourself whether the course will be helpful for your business.

What are the requirements?

  • There are no prereqs for this course
  • Just understand the very basics of how software is built

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 19 lectures and 45 mins of content!
  • Understand how to manage their unique projects
  • Understand all the software development project management methodologies
  • Manage and complete software projects


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