Quality Systems, Models and Theories

Quality Systems, Models and Theories

Understand, Develop and Implement Quality Systems for Success and Profit

Course Description

This Quality Systems, Models and Theories course gives you all the information you need to be a quality systems educated professional. In less than 3 hours you are going to learn about Quality Practice andQuality Systems Theory.
You will learn about the importance of creating a clear quality mission and policy and the stepsrequired to do so. You'll also learn about the developing and deploying a quality plan and a system for measuring its effectiveness.
Quality Practice
Quality Mission and Plans. Developing a quality mission requires collaboration among all organizational units, and is completed using several steps that we are going to learn together. The quality plan is a set of documentation that outlines an organization's quality practices, processes, and resources relating to a particular product or service.
Quality Plans Deployment. Every employee within an organization plays a part in the deployment of a quality plan. Upper management, middle management, and operative employees each play a unique and important role in rolling out the quality plan.
Measuring Effectiveness. Managers have several tools available to them to measure the strengths of their quality systems, each of which can give them a solid understanding of system effectiveness. The balanced scorecard is, one example, a measurement system that organizes a company's strategies into four balanced categories: financial, customer, internal business process and learning and growth.
And this course will provide you with a solid overview of the many different quality models and theoriescompanies can use to improve their performance, as well as the impact various quality theorists have had on the quality movement.
Quality Systems
ISO 9000. The ISO 9000 standards are based on eight principles of quality management that can be applied by senior managers to improve their organizations. Registration and implementation of the standards can provide companies with several benefits.
TQM. Total quality management (TQM) describes a Japanese-style approach to quality improvement, in which all members of an organization work to improve processes, products, and services, as well as their organization's culture.
CQI. Continuous quality improvement (CQI) recognizes the changing nature of customer needs. With its ultimate goal of customer satisfaction, CQI encourages managers to analyze capabilities and processes so they can be constantly improved.
Kaizen. Japanese companies use the term kaizen to describe continuous improvement at every level of an organization, which leads to improved products and services.
Six Sigma. Six Sigma has become a world standard and is significant to today's organizations that are using the methodology as part of their broader total quality management efforts to reduce process defects.
Benchmarking. An organization can use benchmarking to measure itself against best-in-class companies so it can improve its own performance. By using information gleaned from analyzing top competitors' practices, an organization can set and achieve goals that are both competitive and attainable.
Quality Theorists. Although there are far too many to discuss in detail, some of the key pioneers who have made significant contributions to the quality movement include Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigenbaum, Kaoru Ishikawa, Joseph M. Juran, and Genichi Taguchi.
So, If you are interested in quality management and want the compact and information rich version of Quality Systems, Models and Theories, than this course is for you. 

Thank you for your attention and see you in the course!

What are the requirements?

  • Nothing required

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 26 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • plan, develop, implement, measure and review a quality system
  • understand the most important quality models, theories and practice

What is the target audience?

  • This course targets all categories of professionals in general and directors of quality, quality managers and executives involved with quality at the organizational or departmental level within an organization, in particular.


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