udemy free coupon - Everything About Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Excel
Everything About Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Excel
Learn to use Conditional Formatting to Develop Your Excel Skills by Applying Colour Scales, Data Bars, Icons and More!
This course has been updated in March 2015.
What is conditional formatting and why is it useful for you?
Conditional formatting allows the user to format a group of cells based on one or multiple criteria. This means that you do not have to format the cells manually and you can let Excel do all the work for you! Also, if there is change in the data Excel will automatically change the formatting, if the cell will now meet a different criteria.
Most frequently I use conditional formatting to allow me visualize the data, meaning that I can start analyzing the data before even looking at the values themselves. This means that you can increase your productivity working with Excel to a high degree using conditional formatting.
You can preview the introduction lectures in order to see some of the applications of conditional formatting in order to get a better understanding how it can be used.
About this course:
In this course I show everything step-by-step, meaning that I will be showing each single button that I press. By doing this I want to make sure that you memorize all the steps and can apply conditional formatting in your own Excel spreadsheets.
This course is designed for a beginner/intermediate level. You need to have Excel fundamentals, meaning that you will have to know how to open an Excel file, save it and other similar fundamentals. However, you do not need to have an advanced knowledge of Excel. The most advanced part of this course is when I will be teaching you to use formulas to make a condition. However, I will explain each formula in depth, meaning that you do not have to worry that you will not understand it.
However, if you are an advanced Excel user, you might still want to go through the course in order to refresh your knowledge and possibly learn a couple of new tips.
What are the requirements?
- Have Microsoft Excel 2007 or Later (It Works for Previous Versions But The Menu Is Different)
- Access to computer/Internet
- Fundamental Knowledge of Excel
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 38 lectures and 1 hour of content!
- Understand Wide Applications of Conditional Formatting
- Apply and Modify Conditional Formatting
- Apply Multiple Conditional Formatting Rules to the Same Group of Cells
- Create Interactive Tables Using Conditional Formatting
- Create Custom Conditional Formatting Rules
- Edit Any Conditional Formatting Rules That Have Been Created In The Past
- Use Conditional Formatting to Become More Productive Working with Excel
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