Lean Six Sigma for Champions $99

Lean Six Sigma for Champions $99

A specific content to learn for the Champions who are either of the key decision makers in any organization.

Course Description

It is customary that a Lean Six Sigma course is available in various mediums like Books, e books, special crash course all designed for Black Belts, Green Belts, and Master Black Belts. It is important to recognize that there are ever so many who play a vital role as leaders, who are engaged in listing the business problems relevant to the business context of the organization. Many authors would ignore this specific community of Champions.
The Champions need not be functional experts in Six Sigma or Lean methodologies, yet they are expected to engage in reviews, mediate discussions with Black Belts, or even Black Belts would like to engage in periodic reviews with Champions. Imagine a league of Champions who are not aware of their role in Lean six Sigma approach, this can be one step towards catastrophe and can potentially be weak link in the Lean six Sigma fraternity. It is a specific content to learn for the Champions who are either of the key decision makers in any organization. This is a special package for Champions who are expected to be barrier remover, key driver in project review alongside key stakeholders.
Therefore it is extremely critical to keep Champions as a key customer to the journey of Lean Six Sigma roll up in business world. A well groomed Champions is a good thing for the Lean Six Sigma approach.
Imagine a situation, a layer of leaders such as Champions who are expected to be regular members of internal organizational reviews, who are expected to change agents or engage in steering the business reviews , who are expected to nominate the projects and case studies for Awards in the industry space and who are not familiar with such business roles. This author has taken initiative to think from Champions' point of view and have created content for Champions.

What are the requirements?

  • Industry Knowledge
  • Leaders on their own rights who are willing to learn to manage Green Belts, Black Belts , Master Black Belts , business sponsors , process owners , business analysts , Program Heads

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 27 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!


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