Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP Techniques

Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP Techniques

Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP And Self Hypnosis Techniques And Feel More Confident Behind The Wheels

Course Description

In this course titled ' Remove Fear Of Driving Using NLP Techniques ' By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn various NLP techniques which are very powerful and simple to overcome your fear of driving a car .You will learn techniques to instantly feel confident and remove any kind of negative thought or past negative experiences associated with driving a car.
This course is designed for approximately 30 mins and is very easy to understand and grasp.
This course is beneficial for everyone who fear driving a car and due to which they have faced many hurdles or career and personal growth obstructions.
In this course you will learn-
Lecture 1 : Introduction to the course
Lecture 2:Simple Relaxation Techniques Using NLP
Lecture3:Mind Trigger Techniques For Relaxation
Lecture4:Removing Fear Using Anchoring
Lecture5:Removing fear Using Reverse Spinning Techniques
Lecture6:Circle Of Confidence Technique
Lecture7:Fast Phobia Cure Theater Technique To Overcome Phobia
Lecture8:Review Of All Techniques
Lecture9:Summary Of The Course

What are the requirements?

  • PC with high speed internet
  • Headphones
  • Quiet Room
  • Notebook and pen
  • Full focus and concentration

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 9 lectures and 45 mins of content!
  • By the end of this course you will be able to overcome and remove your fear of driving which you had due to a past incident using a variety of NLP and self hypnosis techniques
  • You will feel more confident behind the wheel and remove nervousness while driving a car


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