Home Fitness for a Fit Life $49

Home Fitness for a Fit Life $49

Our fitness program is here to change your life and help you become your happiest, healthiest and most enjoyable self.
Our fitness program is here to change your life and help you become your happiest, healthiest and most enjoyable self.

Course Description

This course begins with an introduction into what it means to enjoy life, regardless of your age, your lifestyle or fitness level.
You'll realize that you have the opportunity to make small positive changes to take control of your health and wake up every day healthier than you were yesterday for life.
George walks you through lifestyle eating habits you can easily start today and how important they are if you really want to achieve your goals. The meal plan included in this course will help you, as well as provide insight into overcoming everyday challenges.
Our philosophy to health and fitness is simple. We are NOT fans of diets. We believe in fueling your body with lots of food and teach you how to eat more of the right kind of foods, to ensure your body burns fat, increases in energy and transforms you into the best shape of your life.
Throughout the course, fitness coach Elinos will have you training smart in less time and burning more fat from the privacy and comfort of your own home! Each short, highly effective full body workout is designed for men and women of all fitness levels who want to get fit, burn fat and build lean muscle.
By pushing yourself to follow our fitness program's workout calendar, you'll be amazed at how little time it takes to lose weight, tone your entire body and increase your energy.
Also included: In-depth exercise tutorials in preparation for the workouts in this course. We want to help you get as much out of this course as you choose to put into it.
Think back to when you last tried to get in shape and lose weight. How successful were you? You already know what “get in shape" method doesn't work for you.
By the end of this course, if followed correctly, you will transform the way you look and feel and with the knowledge you gain you will never need to diet again!
If this sounds like too much and you're unwilling to make small changes in order to live a healthier life, don't worry. Thank you for your time, and we wish you all the best in the future. We'll still be here when you get back.
Enjoy life!
Elinos & George
Fitness Coaches & Co-Founder of Enjoy Elite Exercise

What are the requirements?

  • No prerequisite knowledge in cooking or fitness required.
  • Comfortable clothes and shoes that are suitable for physical activity.
  • Exercise mat and towel are optional, but strongly recommended.
  • An open mind and willingness to patiently take baby steps, make small positive changes, and take control of your health, so that you can wake up every day healthier than you were yesterday.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 20 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • Learn how to change your current lifestyle eating habits to keep your weight and fat off FOR LIFE!
  • Understand how in just 7 minutes (or even better 21 minutes) x3 times per week you can get the body you always dreamed.
  • Get 4 innovative - 7 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) full body workout videos, that can be done at home or the gym with just your bodyweight as resistance.
  • Shorten your total workout time to maximum 1 hour per week, and still lose more weight, build more muscle and burn more body fat than people who workout 5+ hours per week.
  • Save hours of the time that you would normally spend exercising, to instead enjoy life.


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