Creating and animating character with clothes 3ds Max and MD $29

Creating and animating character with clothes 3ds Max and MD $29

Series of video-lectures how to easily and in short time create cool character using 3ds max and Marvelous Designer

Course Description

  • You will learn how to create, animate and visualize a character and his clothes using 3ds Max andMarvelous Designer just in 2.5 hours!
  • 14 videos will show you whole of the process of creating beautiful result in short time
  • If you are beginner and mid-user of 3ds Max this course is perfect for you!
  • Whole course is 2.5 hours-long and it will give you a lot of useful information about modelling, creating materials, animation and setting up the light in the scene.
  • You will be able to build cool character from scratch and in the end of a course you will be surprised how fast you get best results!
  • If you really into creating great-looking characters this course is definetely for you!


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